Magdalena Rogl

Magdalena Rogl

  • Diversity & Inclusion Lead - Microsoft
  • Diversity & Inclusion Lead - Microsoft

As part of Generation Y, I'm involved in the online world for over 15 years. In 2016, I moved from the media industry to corporate communications at Microsoft Germany. My sustained commitment to equal opportunities and diversity - outside and inside our company - led to my current position as Project Lead for Diversity & Inclusion. For my unconventional career path as a kindergarden teacher into the digital industry, I was awarded with the Digital Female Leader Award and named one of the "25 Women Revolutionizing Our Economy". I'm a value ambassador for the non-profit education initiative GermanDream and a role model for BayFid, the fellowship program of the Bavarian State Ministry for Digital Affairs.

All Sessions by Magdalena Rogl

Tag 1 - Masterclasses Mai 25, 2023
Tag 3 - Grand Finale Januar 20, 2023
Tag 2 - Megatrends Januar 19, 2023
Tag 1 - Future Skills Januar 18, 2023
Tag 3 - Grand Finale September 24, 2022